恩施翻譯公司關鍵字:However, "easier said than done," china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家? has the largest in the developing world aviation 標書制作行業industry, but china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家?'s aviation 標書制作行業industry is weak. Airworthiness standards for civil aircraft, military aircraft, higher than many. Civil aircraft is a highly international英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 標書制作行業industry. Civil aircraft because of its safety standards, only to have the international英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 reputation of the company find a buyer, the emerging new companies in order to squeeze into the unknown is very difficult in this market. Many dream of establishing an independent national英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 aviation 標書制作行業industry, generally take two routes: or developed by main (such as Brazil), or from the external sub-contract - cooperation in the development - independent development (such as Japan). In the early翻譯商務標書哪個公司最專業? 1980s, our economic strength is still very weak when faced with is indeed very easy choice.Chinese want to have their own independent civil aviation 標書制作行業industry?The aviation 標書制作行業industry is a pillar of national英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 independence, the country 翻譯技術標書那家公司最好?must attach great importance to the strategic industries, we have such a wide territory for all the people of the great powers, in particular. Independent, strong aviation 標書制作行業industry, not only has political significance, but also the sustained economic development, and important support for high-class structure.The aviation 標書制作行業industry is to maintain a strong stand on the international英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 community, the backbone of great power status, its status and the aerospace 標書制作行業industry at least as important. Without these things, in the contemporary military-technical conditions, the powers of the aircraft can easily come and go in your airspace, such as unhindered, then there is no national英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 security at all. Gulf War and the war in Yugoslavia unmistakably demonstrates command of the air war in the contemporary importance, but also demonstrates the Western powers in combat equipment and technology to achieve strategic and tactical aspects of the advanced level, as people can not help but think of their gap. Powers are using the most advanced means of attack and the most modern media technology, people around the world every day to repeat the "Boxer Rebellion" of the story, to remind the "bullied" the truth. No decent air power, not only not have a say in international英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 affairs, even national英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 sovereignty and dignity are difficult to guarantee. In this regard, we can no longer be ignored.