武漢翻譯公司關鍵字:We can not but regret to see that in the 1960s, excluding personal fame and fortune of this great team spirit, and now greatly to drift. According to insiders, aviation authorities, research institutions within the state of mind and operational mechanism, is worthy of reflection. In 1986, the State Council decided on the route the plane, the 標書制作行業industry is "on the trunk or branch on the" views very non-uniform, the person at the numbers game to fool the State Council: "... In order to prove the 100-seat aircraft have to as a breakthrough not in the forecast 2001-2010 the number of domestic civil aircraft demand, the Annual Report to the forecast made in a 150-seat from 414 to reduce the 69 into 345, 100 level increased from 175 into 90 265 frame. ... ... the number of these changes official report of the State Council, in order to meet the State Council and asking the will of their own decisions. "Another example: "... a project we have rushed to those in power, oil stick, but who is not ultimately responsible for the project, even the primary responsibility, and also an official term, to expire officials, up and down with each other 'measures', the number of energy engaged in projects with? almost constantly, after工程標書翻譯 項目建議書翻譯 設備標書翻譯 政府采購標書翻譯 軌道工程標書翻譯 鐵路建設標書翻譯 公路建設標書翻譯 橋梁隧道標書翻譯 裝飾工程標書翻譯 房屋建筑標書翻譯 石油標書翻譯 天然氣工程標書翻譯 化工工業標書翻譯 機電工程標書翻譯 建筑標書翻譯 all the progress of the project is delayed, indicators continue to decline, additional funds continued, such a mechanism, for a long period, high-risk aircraft development project is undoubtedly fatal yoke. ... up and down ' activities' for the project, up and down 'response' to create More標書文件涉及到的領域非常的廣泛,即使是針對一個項目的標書文件,會包含法律、經濟、工程技術、商業等多個相關的專業領域,在投標過程中,無論是招標方還是投標方所需的翻譯服務種類都須進行相應的調整和重新組合,投標的標書中帶有相關的法律要約性質,標書為了詳細全面的介紹自己并贏得招標方的信任,需要使用極富影響力的商業用語,所以標書翻譯是法律翻譯和商業翻譯的結合,因此,作為競標的基礎工作而貫穿于整個投標過程中的標書翻譯服務應由專業的新華標書翻譯公司提供。 'effective', which causes frustration for many projects and only to correct the above reasons, the revitalization of china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家?'s aviation 標書制作行業industry was expected. " We say, on a large aircraft is a national英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 venture capital, because if the "non-resistance factors" caused the failure, of course, account should be considered. But if the state authorities on behalf of their own problems - working poor, dereliction of duty, to take taxpayers' money for granted, then I better use the money for roads and bridges had.Timid and never become strong.Wang Jinxi, said: "A country should have people's morale, the morale of an army 翻譯技術標書那家公司最好?must have a person to have backbone." Reform and opening up, engage in modernization but to vigorously promote the "national英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 mood" in order to stand among the nations of the world. Today our physical condition than the 1960s I do not know how many good times with determination, and down to form a consensus, strengthen confidence, hard work, good use of the existing favorable conditions, we can revitalize the "bombs and one satellite" of the glory, our aviation 標書制作行業industry will be able to catch up with the aerospace 標書制作行業industry, the pace of development of strategic weapons, become the country's backbone and backbone