嘉興翻譯公司關鍵字:Third, the main factors affecting demand for carsValue of factor 1In china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家?, the impact on ordinary people into the family car, the key is the price招投標書翻譯價格. Like china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家?, a low income developing countries, high price招投標書翻譯價格s restricted the purchasing power of consumers. Automotive product翻譯招投標書費用和報價s price招投標書翻譯價格 distortions, the value of departure, can not meet demand, people outside the 標書制作行業industry have become public knowledge. Foreign-made car price招投標書翻譯價格s are 1-2 times the equivalent displacement car or even higher, and models, performance, technology, quality and other aspects and can not be compared with similar product翻譯招投標書費用和報價s in developed countries. This price招投標書翻譯價格 even in high-income countries, no one would accept, is still not enough wealthy Chinese people will certainly not willing to dig into their pockets to spend the bulk of the money, preferring to hold out concept of "surge." Some experts estimate that if they could ensure the quality, performance, without changing, the price招投標書翻譯價格s will be cut in half now, and the international英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 market price招投標書翻譯價格s of sync, then the ability of consumers to buy cars will increase ten-fold.Reasons for the high price招投標書翻譯價格s caused by cars, one Chinese market closed, high tariff rates, fees and charges for value addition, there is no international英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 market; Second, china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家?'s car 標書制作行業industry started late, small-scale, resulting in annual product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion of cars with low and high cost . Automotive 標書制作行業industry is a typical industrial economies of scale, according to the international英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 level, a car manufacturer's annual product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion of 200,000 to reach break-even point, 300,000 only with international英文標書翻譯包括工程建設標書、道路施工標書、國際投標書翻譯 competitiveness, 2.5 million will not have the danger of the annexation. The annual output of Chinese enterprises so far there is no one to reach 30 million scale. Still rely on the introduction of some components is also an important reason. Imports of parts for freight, customs, expensive cars cost is high, price招投標書翻譯價格s come down hard one important factor. Third, reasonable pricing, Santana and Xiali 1996 annual product翻譯招投標書費用和報價ion was 20 million and 80 000, did not reach the minimum effective size of the economy, but profits were still up to 60 billion yuan and 600 million yuan, showing that its profit gain mainly by increasing the price招投標書翻譯價格 to achieve. This reflects the price招投標書翻譯價格 structure of the unreasonable side.china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家?'s car price招投標書翻譯價格s 翻譯技術標書那家公司最好?must adapt to the capacity of family income, or the inevitable "highbrow." Today, china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家?'s annual family income of $ 30,000 has been 10 million, so the family in a foreign country, already has the ability to buy cars, while in china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家? led to hold out because in the domestic market can not buy Italian cars, affordable family car.
2 car models too far