
當前日期(qi):2013-12-16  星期(qi)一
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  分包一:起重機加裝起重量限制器 18臺
  分包二:起重機加裝防碰撞報警裝置 27臺
 Meishan Rolling Stock Co. CSR goods and services for the following domestic public procurement of competitive bidding, invites qualified bidders in the bidding documents for goods or technology involved in the program submit sealed bids
1. Tender No.: eyebrow set 110 117
2. Tender name and number of goods
Sub-I: the weight of cranes from the limiter 18 sets of installation
Sub-II: anti-collision warning devices installed crane 27 units
3. Interested eligible bidders may now on daily 8:30-18:00 (Beijing Time, except holidays) from the South Car Meishan Rolling Stock Co. Asset Management further information
4. Tenderers may now until January 27, 2011 daily 8:30-18:00 (Beijing time, except holidays) from CSR Meishan Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. to purchase the tender documents Asset Management
5. Price of Bidding Documents: 200 per package, bidders will bid fee remitted to the CSR Meishan Rolling Stock Co., Ltd. account, and transfer to our company fax Didan
6. Tender Closing Date: January 28, 2011 16:00 PM, late receipt of tender documents will not be accepted
7. Tender Place: CSR Meishan Rolling Stock Co., Ltd.
8. Tender must provide an electronic version of tender documents, if not to provide its bid will be rejected
Company name: CSR Meishan Rolling Stock Co., Ltd.
Address: Meishan City, Sichuan Province, the town of Dongpo Chongren
Zip Code: 620032
Phone :023 -38,502,487
Fax :023 -38,502,487
Contact: Zhuxiao Gang
Bank: ICBC branch in Meishan City Branch Chongren
Account number: 2313399609100005638





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